Crazy & Sick


That’s about all I can think to say. We have had a very crazy few days. My poor husband works outdoors, in the cold, in the rain, in the flu producing weather in other words. So he has been coughing for days, had the chills for a bit, and oh don’t forget all that nose blowing.

You know what that means for his lovely wife? It means that a few days later, she too (she being me) is coughing and snorting and sneezing and blowing and dripping and wondering when in the heck did I start peeing my pants when I cough too hard???

I know, that’s just too much information, but apparently all you mom’s out there know what I’m talking about. I mentioned it to one girlfriend and she said, “Yeah, welcome to my life”. I thought I was the ONLY one, so I mentioned it to another girlfriend who laughed at me and replied, “Um, yeah, that’s why I wear panty-liners everyday!”

My apologies to any men reading this blog, this is purely a woman identifiable issue.

But the incontinence coupled with my misery and inability to breathe has made me reluctant to venture into any new projects this week. I’ve slept SO many hours that I am almost embarrassed to admit how many. But, there’s good news, I’m on the up-swing! (I think).

And tomorrow, we have new carpet coming in! Woo Hoo. It’s long overdue, and a basic requirement for my husband’s man cave to house all of his animal carcasses.

And speaking of my husband’s hunting… I mentioned to my doctor that my husband is an avid hunter. Her eyes lit up. She is a beautiful Nigerian woman, her skin is a perfect shade of mahogany, her hair is braided in thin tight braids all the way to her waist, she and I are the same age – yet she has not one wrinkle, and she has the prettiest accent that I could listen to all day. None of that has anything to do with her response to the hunting commentary, but you know I like to paint a picture…

She then asked me if I would be willing to sell her venison. I laughed a little and said we’d be happy to give her some. She explained that in Nigeria they ate lean meats such as the venison, and rabbit, and she and her husband crave these familiar flavors. Then the heavens opened, I told her we have 200+ pounds of bear meat, and she said that she would LOVE to have some of it. And I can assure you that I would LOVE to get rid of some of it!!!

So maybe my husband’s hunting won’t go unappreciated after all. However, his frequent sharing of illnesses will…

Cough, cough.



Tinkle – Awwwww man!



This entry was published on November 30, 2010 at 7:22 pm and is filed under Squawkings. Bookmark the permalink. Follow any comments here with the RSS feed for this post.

6 thoughts on “Crazy & Sick

  1. “Then the heavens opened…” HUGE smile on my face right now. Loved this post. Sad that you are sick. And the unfortunately timed tinkling…that’s a bummer, too. 😉
    But on the plus side, you’re getting new carpet AND getting rid of some bear meat! Score!

  2. Yeah, I had this last month. Ick. I hate that you’re feeling poorly, but I can relate to your pain. And coughing. And time in bed (which really helps). And inappropriate tinkling. My husband got to a point where he’d just laugh. I’d sneeze or cough hard, then mumble “awww crap!” and head for the bathroom. He thought it was much funnier than I did. Thank God for pantyliners. I’m counting my blessings, though. Could it have been worse? Depends. Hahahahahahahaha…Depends. I crack me up. Feel better and dryer soon! PS – your doctor sounds like a truly lovely lady. PPS – congrats on the new carpet! Take your shoes and socks off and rub your toes through it for me. I hope that doesn’t sound too gross.

  3. I am glad you are back. I was getting worried about you!!! I was thinking that it may be a good thing that you have been sick and are still sort of stuffed up because then the new carpet smell shouldn’t bother you too much. I think God is taking care of you – getting rid of some of your excess meat to someone who will truly appreciated it and not giving you headaches from the new carpet smell!!!

    Feel better soon!!!!

  4. Are you forgetting (or maybe I forgot to mention) that I peed my pants during a Susan G Komen 5k last year and had NO IDEA until after I crossed the finish line. If/when you and Jeremy decide to have kids you will experience this little sneezing tinkle on a whole new level!

    • I’m pretty sure you forgot to mention, but boy am I glad you did today. That made me laugh so hard. Omg… I had undressed for a shower this am when a coughing spell hit…I had to jump in the shower to avoid a mishap myself. Sigh…
      Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

  5. I can so relate and am laughing very hard…uh oh….need to go to the bathroom.

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